Hi Welcome! Although in other social media accounts, visitors will find a little bit of everything, this blog is now primarily a literary blog where you can find discussion of automotive engineering, design and technologies, project’s which worked on it, and I’ve loved the most to develop robust engineering system. You will also find discussion about the latest innovation and technologies in manufacturing ecosystem etc.

Involved in engineering & program management and interested in mfg R&D engineering, end to end project management, business strategy and planning. Core values of trust, value creator, principal of customer first, and uncompromising standards of integrity with leadership skills enable him to play a meaningful role in the organizations.

A consultant and writer based out at Uttar Pradesh India, who enjoy the beauty of nature and magic of technology. Hobbies are exploring new things, technologies/innovations, and loves discovering new places around the world and like spending time in nature, capture all the wonderful moments of real peace. 

Principle of life; live life and let others. Strongly believe in; Have faith in yourself; you will win definitely.

His spiritual believe that Greatness is found in goodness, humility, service and character!